Leading a lifestyle of wellness involves doing several things, including eating healthy meals. Your breakfast is, of course, an essential part of these meals– one of the most important in fact. As such, ensure that you get the most out of it by considering the following tips:
1. Eat on time
Have you ever found yourself eating breakfast hours after you get out of bed because you were “busy” doing other things? With so many distractions during this technological age, it’s so easy to wake up and start scrolling through your phone or laptop instead of having breakfast on time. Before you know it, hours have passed by, and you may not have even drunk a glass of water, let alone have your morning meal. Don’t passively fall prey to these patterns! It is said to be ideal to have breakfast about 1 hour after waking up so that you can get the energy boost you need to start your day.
2. Keep it high-quality
Your morning meal should be healthy and nutrition-packed. Proportionally distributing more of your calories to breakfast is an excellent idea as that will make you less likely to binge on foods that have lots of empty calories later on in the day.
3. Include vegetables or fresh fruit
Vegetables or fresh fruit in the meal can give you a healthy boost. You may even try making the vegetables and fruit into a blended juice on some days for variety and ease of consumption. Additionally, eating fruits before a meal can be highly beneficial as many fruits are known to aid in digestion and absorption of other foods.
4. Add some protein
Protein-rich items such as eggs come with many benefits when included in your morning meals. Some studies have shown that you could reduce the amount of calorie intake for the next 3 hours by getting a good shot of protein in your breakfast, which is helpful for finding a diet that may aid in healthy weight loss. Even if you cannot have eggs for any reason, there are many other high-quality protein rich foods to consider, such as quinoa, chickpeas, and tofu, to name a few.
5. Carbs can be good
Unless you are on a strict dietary restriction for a personal reason, contrary to popular belief, carbs can be good! Healthy or complex carbs could be just what you need to round out a balanced meal.
So what are you waiting for?
Go ahead and start your day off stronger and healthier by considering the above tips. A healthy breakfast is what you need to make the rest of your day brighter and more productive.